10 heartwarming activities for the long November weekend

03.11.2023 10:00

In the cold autumn season, we have prepared for you the cosiest and warmest ideas on how to spend this weekend. Tove Jansson and her marvellous characters share atmospheric recipes.

 1) Thinking through home cosiness

"The slow transition of autumn to winter is not a bad time at all. It's a time to gather, tidy and put away all the supplies you've accumulated over the summer. And how wonderful it is to gather everything you have and put it close to you, to gather your warmth and thoughts, to burrow into a deep hole - a sure and safe shelter; to protect it as something important, dear, your own. And then let the frost, storms and darkness come when they want. You just have to make a cosy nest and let the rest of the world do as it pleases. And when you wake up, everything will be as it should be.".

 2) Do something you've wanted to do for a long time

"When you get the urge to do something, you should decide immediately and not wait for the mood to pass."

 3) Contemplate

"You can lie on a bridge and watch the water flow. Or run, or wander through a swamp in red boots, or curl up in a ball and listen to the rain pounding on the roof. It's super easy to be happy."

 4) Help those who need you right now

"We all have a responsibility to help those who are smaller than us."

 5) Go to the theatre

"Theatre is the most important kind of home in the world because their people could see what they could be if they wanted to, and what they would be happy to be if they dared and what they are really like."

 6) Dreaming and dancing

"When someone can't do without dancing and when someone has to dance are different things. To give shape to a big dream, you need space and silence."

 7) Tell stories and sing songs together

"Everyone needs to be told a good story now and then. Life's ups and downs are an integral part of life. You can make a song about anything."

 8) Get out in nature and pay attention to loved ones

"As long as you are out in nature, you will never be bored. People always carry images of those they love in their souls, they live in their hearts, and the world is full of different opportunities to show them affection. It's not valued in money but brings so much joy. Letters, gifts, and glossy pictures expressing tenderness are important. But even more important is listening to each other face to face, which is a great and rare art."

 9) Gather friends

"You need friends, not things, to have a home. Everyone needs warmth and light. Always warmly welcome all those who enter your home. It is equally important to know two things: how to be by yourself and be with others."

 10) Spread out and go gazing at the stars

"She decided to give away her possessions to create more space around her. I know it's hard when you want to have something, but you can't take it with you. But I just look at what I like and then I walk away, and it stays in my head. It's nicer than lugging around suitcases... I love nothing so much as the stars. Before I go to bed, I always look up at the stars and wonder who lives there and how to reach them. The sky seems so friendly when it's full of little eyes."

 Your plans don't have to be extraordinary to make you extraordinarily happy. Impressions are more valuable than reports of them.

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