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Box of Courage

Give children a smile and a little courage!


Sometimes a severe illness bursts into a happy childhood, bringing a lot of pain and suffering. Children need to undergo months of complicated treatment and live in hospitals. Little patients face problems that not every adult can cope with. At such times, it is crucial to support the children, give them faith and show them that there are adults around who are willing to share their courage and care.


To support young patients who undergo complex medical procedures daily, we have founded a charitable programme called the 'Box of Courage'. We set up toy boxes in the treatment rooms of hospitals. Young patients can choose a prize from our 'brave' box for braving medical procedures.


The box intends to provide emotional support for seriously ill children. A positive attitude and joyful emotions help children to cope with their worries and give them faith in a speedy recovery.


Objectives of the activity:


- to support the children in a difficult period of life;


- form children's loyalty to medical staff.


Our mission is to build children's trust in the world, give them faith in healing, and show them that there is a lot of kindness around.


Dear friends, we want to reach as many treatment rooms as possible so that the toys in the boxes never run out. To do so, we need your help. We can make this project happen only together, fill our boxes with "courage" in time and support young patients on their complicated path to a healthy life!


Let's support the children to become braver and heal sooner!

Help children have a future

Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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