We are launching a new project "The Box of Courage"

21.06.2023 09:36

Friends, we invite you to contribute to our new charity project, which we have created to support seriously ill children who need to stay in hospital for long periods. Young patients especially need faith in a miracle because they often don't understand why they are in so much pain. It is difficult to explain to young children that, without treatment, a severe illness can take their life in a matter of days. They refuse to go into the treatment rooms, throwing up and crying a lot. We set up toy boxes in the treatment rooms to support the children on their challenging journey to recovery. Each child can choose a prize for bravery from our box for showing courage after the medical procedure.


We want to support the children, give them joyful emotions and build trust in the medical staff. We are delighted that you are actively supporting this project. We are especially pleased to receive gifts from children who ask their parents to fill our "brave" box because hospital kids need toys more than we do.


The brave one is not the one who is not afraid of the risks but the one who goes ahead despite the fear. During this period, it is essential to support the children to show them that adults are willing to share their courage. Our 'box of courage' helps the little heroes smile with courage, determination and faith that they can beat the disease and return home healthy!


Support our new direction by helping "brave" boxes appear in all treatment rooms. Give the children a piece of your courage!


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