Box of Courage: Children walk the road of kindness!

13.03.2024 14:44

Dear friends, it is probably invaluable and important when children, schoolchildren, who are still very young, unformed souls, make doing good deeds their routine activity. 

For example, last year, the students of the 26th school-gymnasium took toys to the children's oncological department of the hospital. It was the inspiration for the launch of the Box of Courage project. The project aims to support children who are suffering from exhausting diagnoses and constant painful procedures and who are undergoing complicated and long-term treatment in the hospital. Boxes with toys are placed in the treatment rooms, where the real little heroes could choose a gift for themselves at the end of unpleasant but necessary injections and drips. The thought of such a comforting prize helps doctors and parents to persuade little patients to undergo medical manipulations and the kids themselves to bear them more calmly, anticipating the deserved reward.

We were so happy when a student of Gymnasium 26 wrote a letter to the Sun of Hope Foundation with a proposal from her classmates to continue this beautiful and beneficial campaign. But this time, the students, under the guidance of the director of educational work Samanchinova Tanzila Djetisbaevna, decided to organise a special event for cancer patients. There were even more toys than before. They decorated the boxes with beautiful applications and stickers and wrote messages with warm wishes for a quick recovery!

An entertaining event was held in the lobby of the hospital. Students of the school 26 sang songs, made riddles, and played interactive games with children and their mums. At the end of the event, all the participants received multicoloured bright balls as a gift in addition to a good mood! And "Courage Boxes" took their honourable places in the treatment rooms to somehow support the little patients in their heroic way of fighting serious illnesses.

The song with which the students ended their music and play programme was quite symbolic. It contained the following words:

"Follow the sun,

Though this way is unknown!

Go, my friend, always go

Follow the path of kindness!"

And in spite the event is over, we can be sure that the children who participated in it will continue their journey along the road of goodness! And they and the Sun of Hope Foundation are on their way!

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