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Thank you, Tensai School! You gave hope to Elina!
17.02.2025 15:34

The Sun of Hope Foundation would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to the Tensai Kyrgyz-Japanese School Complex for organising a charity fair supporting Nurlanova Elina. Thanks to the enthusiastic participation of students, parents, and teachers, we successfully raised 45,052 soms. These funds will be used for Elina's treatment, helping her to recover more quickly.

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The World Child Cancer Day was celebrated in the NCMCW
15.02.2025 15:26

On February 15, World Cancer Child Day, the Sun of Hope Public Foundation organised an origami masterclass at the oncology department of the NCMCW. This event brought joy and smiles to young patients, providing support on this special day. Volunteers from the JICA organisation served as instructors and, with great patience and care, helped the children create amazing paper figures.

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‘Sun of Hope’ Continues to Support the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health Protection
13.02.2025 14:48

We donated 25 litres of white enamel paint and 10 litres of solvent to the hospital. These materials will help make the walls look fresh and the rooms brighter and cleaner. This is important for keeping things sanitary and creating a more welcoming space for the children.

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The Society of Children's Oncologists and Hematologists of Kyrgyzstan has been established
28.01.2025 12:06

Dina Makarenko actively participated in the event. "I have high hopes that by collaborating with like-minded individuals, we will be more effective in the fight against cancer and will be able to save more children's lives from this terrible, deadly disease.

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Children in Hospitals Await New Year's Eve Miracles
02.12.2024 12:28

December is the month of miracles and the fulfilment of wishes. On New Year's Eve, everyone hopes for real magic. However, children confined to hospital walls due to serious illnesses need miracles the most. Instead of celebrating the holidays, they undergo challenging medical procedures.

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A recent fundraising campaign under the "Time to Help" program has been completed
01.11.2024 11:17

At the request of Zhumagazy Bagynur, the head of the cancer haematology department, Albumin and spinal needles were acquired for the hospital.

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The School of Kindness: How can we instil a sense of mercy in children?
12.06.2024 07:53

Today, Dina Makarenko, the director of the Sun of Hope Charity Foundation, shares the story of Gymnasium No. 26. The students from this school are actively involved in helping our beneficiaries.

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"Sun of Hope" brings smiles to children and gives them the strength to fight
06.06.2024 14:25

Last week, on the eve of International Children's Day, Dina Makarenko, director of the Sun of Hope Foundation, visited the children's oncology department of the National Centre for Maternity and Childhood Protection. A master class on making candles from wax, part of the "Smile to the Sun" project, was held for the young patients. Many children were receiving treatment at the beginning of the event, but gradually, the playroom filled with children and their parents.

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The students of the school-gymnasium No. 26 support the children with cancer again
27.03.2024 04:59

The students of School Gymnasium No. 26 are truly special, and their latest campaign "Green Apple" is proof of that. The campaign aims to support young patients in the oncology department at the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health. The students have collected several bags of green apples, which will be given to the children currently undergoing treatment.

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Box of Courage: Children walk the road of kindness!
13.03.2024 14:44

Last year, the students of the 26th school-gymnasium took toys to the children's oncological department of the hospital. It was the inspiration for the launch of the Box of Courage project.

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We donated some medicine to the National Centre
28.02.2024 06:50

The hospital is in constant need of antibiotics Amikacin, Cefzon S and infusion systems. Thank you to all who consistently support our fundraising efforts. Thanks to your help, the children are receiving the medicines they need to survive.

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"Time to help" critically ill children in the oncology department
06.02.2024 13:25

Our precious supporters, the young patients of the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health, need help regularly. Often, doctors have to adjust the treatment plan and change the medication for other drugs because of the child's allergy to a drug or severe side effects. Often, the medication needed costs a lot of money.

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4 February is World Cancer Day
04.02.2024 06:05

On the eve of Cancer Day, our latest fundraising under the "Time to Help" project is closed. Thank you to everyone who contributes to the Time to Help project development.

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We brought 600 copies of brochures to the hospital
03.02.2024 06:02

Last year, we published information brochures for parents of children with cancer in Russian language at the request of the head of the paediatric oncology department. This year, the hospital asked us to publish brochures in Kyrgyz.

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On the 11th of January, we mark International "Thank You" Day
11.01.2024 13:19

The Head of the Sun of Hope Foundation, Dina Makarenko, also joins the celebration: The Head of the Sun of Hope Foundation, Dina Makarenko, also joins the celebration: "I express my most sincere gratitude and appreciation to everyone who has been with us over the past year, to everyone who continues to try to do good together with us!

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New Year's " Sun of Hope" made cancer patients happy!
31.12.2023 10:11

Your responsive hearts and kind deeds again helped to give joy to those who need it very much! Thanks to your support of the "Smile to the Sun" programme, the little patients of the oncology and oncohaematology departments had a real holiday! It took place right in the lobby of the hospital on 18 December.

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Three lives have received invaluable support thanks to your mercy!
21.12.2023 18:19

Today Barsbek, Madina and Alina say thank you! All this became possible thanks to your mercy!

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"The children give me strength. When I see the results of my work" - Zhumagazy kyzy Bagynur
29.11.2023 10:02

Today, we would like to introduce you to Zhumagazy kyzy Bagynur, head of the Oncohematology Department of the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health. This doctor fights for the lives of our sons and daughters. 

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"Solar Nutrition" has been delivered to the NCMCH! Thank you all!
01.11.2023 15:12

Friends, we are happy to share good news! Our Foundation has purchased and delivered Nutrien therapeutic food to the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health. Your help within the framework of "Solar Nutrition" allowed us to send 18 boxes of Nutrien Standart Fiber, 11 boxes of Nutrien Fort, 19 boxes of Nutrien Standart, and 18 packets of Nutrien Standart for nutrition in the intensive care unit. It is a great support, and the little patients are very grateful to you for it!

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25 October - Amir's mother visits the foundation
27.10.2023 17:04

Amirchik Mirbekov's mum visited us. He is the boy whom we helped to pay for treatment in Turkey. Thanks to your support and donations, he underwent Bone Marrow Transplantation and returned home safely.

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Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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