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Thank you, Tensai School! You gave hope to Elina!

17.02.2025 15:34

The Sun of Hope Foundation would like to express its heartfelt gratitude to the Tensai Kyrgyz-Japanese School Complex for organising a charity fair supporting Nurlanova Elina. Thanks to the enthusiastic participation of students, parents, and teachers, we successfully raised 45,052 soms. These funds will be used for Elina's treatment, helping her to recover more quickly.

We want to extend special thanks to the students who prepared baked goods with their own hands and created handicrafts filled with love and warmth. These creative and delicious items were eagerly purchased and contributed to making the event truly heartwarming and memorable. 

We also want to acknowledge the teachers who took the time to explain the concepts of charity and helping others to the children. They not only organised the fair but also instilled important values in the hearts of the students. This significant achievement will stay with the children for a lifetime.

We are deeply moved by the care and warmth shown by all participants. We especially admire the sincerity of the youngest students, who poured their energy and a part of their souls into this event.

Thank you for your responsiveness, kindness, and willingness to provide hope! Thanks to people like you, the world becomes a brighter place.

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