Send help to Sun of hope PF!
Diagnosis: Blood cancer. Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, B ll
Needed: BMT from umbilical cord blood in Acibadem Clinic (Turkey)
2 147 $ 21% Needed:
10 000 $
Friends, we are urgently fundraising to help save a little girl from blood cancer.
Little Elinochka is the third child in her family. She was born in the city of Talas and had rarely been sick. However, on May 1, when she turned one year old, she started coughing. Initially, she was treated for bronchitis, but after a couple of months, she developed a fever along with nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Despite receiving medication from the infectious disease hospital, her severe cough returned.
Based on the results of her tests, Elinochka was urgently referred to the Department of Pediatric Oncohematology in Bishkek.
In August 2024, she received a diagnosis that changed her family's life.
Her parents struggled to sleep for several days after learning that their cheerful and brave little girl was sick with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (blood cancer). The chemotherapy began, but in the first round, the girl's body reacted severely, leading to organ failure and septicemia. Despite the doctors' grim prognoses, the little girl managed to pull through. Her recovery was likely bolstered by the unwavering support of her parents, who slept on a bench near the intensive care unit, ensuring their daughter felt their presence.
Before his daughter's illness, Elina's father had been a blood donor, and now he was needed more than ever. The little girl frequently required platelet transfusions, so her father gathered a construction team right in Bishkek, close to the hospital where his daughter was fighting for her life. As time passed, however, an unfortunate test result revealed an increase in blasts (the cancerous blood cells).
‘The doctors delivered a verdict: Elina was experiencing an early relapse while undergoing maintenance chemotherapy, and she had an acute need for a bone marrow transplant, which cannot be performed in Kyrgyzstan.
During this challenging time, Elina's mother discovered she was pregnant again. Initially, she was unsure how she could handle having a child under such circumstances, but the doctor reassured her about the necessity of the pregnancy. It could not only bring forth new life but also help save Elina's life. There was a possibility of performing a bone marrow transplant using cord blood cells collected from her mother during labour. Umbilical cord blood is exceptionally rich in stem cells, making it suitable for Elina.
Elina's mother will need to give birth in Turkey so that both she and the newborn can be donors for Elina, her younger daughter. This is the family's only chance to save their child! They have never asked anyone for help before, and it has been challenging for them to reach out.
However, the cost of the bone marrow transplant (BMT) in Turkey is too high for them to afford. Now, they are seeking support from anyone who can help them save their daughter.
Elinochka bravely endures her treatment and continues to show her cheerful spirit whenever her condition permits. Between treatments, the little girl enjoys drawing her favourite kitties, using a pencil to create art on paper while listening to her favourite songs by the band D Billions, and gesturing along to the music. During this time, her older brother Amir and sister Ayelina pray for her healing, asking the Almighty to restore her to the normal life she once had.
Their mother remains strong, knowing that she is expecting another child. To keep her mind occupied, she reads books and watches supportive videos. The family clings to their deep faith that their little "kichinekei" will recover and that such misfortune will never return to their lives. However, they understand that their family efforts alone are not enough. It is the combined support of many individuals and their positive wishes that can truly change the situation.
Please support the girl's fundraising efforts! There is very little time left before Elinochka's delivery and BMT (bone marrow transplant). Help save the life of this little girl!