Diagnosis: Рак крови. Острый лимфобластный лейкоз, B ll
Needed: ТКМ из пуповинной крови в клинике Acibadem (Турция)
Collected:21 $ 0% Needed:10 000 $
Diagnosis: Blood cancer. Acute myeloblastic leukaemia
Treatment and bone marrow transplant (BMT) in Acibadem (Turkey)
Left: 9 946 $
Needed: 12 000 $
Collected: 2 054 $
Diagnosis: Cancer of the kidney. Wilms tumour
Treatment at Medical Park Clinic (Turkey)
Left: 8 148 $
Collected: 3 852 $
Goal: Purchase of life-saving medications for seriously ill children. Payment for expensive...
Medication for the oncology department of the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health Care
Left: 405 $
Needed: 690 $
Collected: 285 $
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