Thanks to your assistance, we made it happen! Thank you, dear helpers!

08.04.2024 09:49

We would like to begin this week by sharing the report for the first quarter of this year. Despite the Foundation being relatively young, we have accomplished a lot. We hope that our efforts have brought some light into the lives of sick children and the world around us.

We provided targeted assistance to:

1. Akhmet Omurbekov - partial payment for treatment in Turkey.

2. Bersbek Asanov - payment for medical research and chemo medication.

3. Alina Borubaeva - payment for medical research.

"Time to Help" programme - assistance to the oncology department of the National Centre for Maternity and Childhood Care:

1. We purchased antibiotics and infusion systems.

2. We published a brochure in the Kyrgyz language, "Memo to parents of children undergoing treatment.".

Our fund has got assistants, children who walk the way of kindness:

1. Under the project "Solar Nutrition", together with pupils of Gymnasium 26, we held a campaign "The Green Apple".

2. As part of the "Box of Bravery" programme, pupils of School-Gymnasium 26 collected boxes of bravery filled with toys and donated them to the treatment rooms of the National Center for Maternal and Child Welfare.

3. The "Help Together" Project. Students of School-Gymnasium 26, under the guidance of the director of educational work, Samanchinova Tanzila Djetisbaevna, held an entertaining event in the hospital for cancer patients and their parents.

We would like to express our deep gratitude to the educational institution, the teaching staff and, of course, the proactive schoolchildren and their parents. 

Our Foundation is committed to continuing its work through ongoing projects and targeted fundraising initiatives. 

You can support us by donating through the following link:

 You can also join our volunteer chat by visiting the link:

 Let's hope the second quarter of 2024 will be another busy quarter for good deeds. Thank you once again for your support!

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