The success of fundraising relies on the collaboration between the Foundation and parents

13.05.2024 06:08

The successful fundraising relies heavily on the collaboration between the Foundation and parents, says Dina Makarenko. When parents of a seriously ill child first approach the Foundation for help, it's like solving an equation with many unknowns. The Foundation needs to determine what support is required, whether parents are prepared to start fundraising, willing to share their story with the world, and can provide the necessary content to organise the fundraising. The speed of fundraising depends on parental involvement in these issues.

As someone who stays in touch with the parents of all our beneficiaries, I know firsthand that it can be tough at first. Every story goes through me, and I must handle many questions and concerns. However, I have learned to see the children as children first and then their diagnoses. I focus on the positive things and try to be more tolerant and supportive towards people fighting for their child's life every second.

We need a story, photos, and videos to raise funds quickly. In today's world, where information is king, I must explain to parents the importance of content creation. Sometimes, I teach them how to take photos, make videos, and even act as a psychologist to collect the child's story. Often, parents are actively involved in fundraising at the beginning, but then they tend to lose interest. Our audience is always active and keen to know the latest news about our children, so I constantly ask parents for fresh photos and news.

Every day, I start my day with communication with our beneficiaries. I use news, photos, and videos about the child and emotional appeals help to engage as many people as possible in our fight for life. The success of fundraising depends on the teamwork of the foundation and parents. Our foundation is always ready to help, support and teach, but we can’t achieve our goals without the involvement of the parents of our beneficiaries. Their involvement is one of the most decisive factors determining the success of our fundraising campaigns. We are always ready to lend a helping hand to seriously ill children. Let's come together and create a happy future for our children!

Dina Makarenko, Director of the Sun of Hope Foundation.

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