Children are waiting for your help on Donor Day!

14.06.2024 09:57

Today is the holiday of those people upon whom the lives of others depend. And these people are not even doctors or lifeguards. Today is World Donor Day! Many people need donor help, especially when they are about to undergo surgery where there is a planned loss of blood. Or to help in emergencies or accidents. But there is another group of people for whom donor blood becomes equal to the very concept of life. These are seriously ill children. Children with cancer.

Little Zhannochka is suffering from blood cancer. The chemotherapy administered to the little girl reduces her blood count, which can only be restored by transfusions. In addition, Zhanna has rare blood, a negative Rh factor. The girl needs donor blood. She cannot survive without it!

Ominochka suffers from two types of cancer at once. The girl has undergone several courses of chemotherapy, but there is still a bone marrow transplant ahead. Omina is also in great need of blood transfusions. Fighting double oncology is a massive burden on the child's body. A critical drop in blood counts cannot be regulated by the child's efforts, and donor help is essential.

The brave Danis has been fighting neuroblastoma for several years. He has undergone dozens of courses of chemotherapy, rays, and several heavy operations. The first lasted 10 hours instead of 4, an artery was damaged. Four-year-old Danis lost 3.5 litres of blood! But Danisochka's fight with cancer and its metastases is not over yet. Now, he is undergoing a double transplant, before which high-dose chemotherapy is administered. It kills his blood-producing bone marrow. Until the previously intact bone marrow takes root, the boy survives only on blood transfusions.

Ayazhan has osteosarcoma, one of the deadliest types of cancer. The little girl is now enduring the most complex chemotherapy, which is destroying the composition of her blood. Her recovery is going on with great difficulty and complications. The little girl cannot survive without donor support. Blood transfusions are the only way to save her.

Donors are saving these children's lives with their blood. And we can help by supporting the treatment of any of these cancer kids! They desperately need help to continue treatment for their deadly illnesses! Support their salvation!

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