Aidar Abdullayev

Thanks to your support the child is already 4 years year old

Diagnosis: Cancer. Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma

Needed: Purchase of medication for chemotherapy


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As part of the charitable direction "For Life", we continue to help seriously ill children. Thank you to the support of our benefactors, Aidar Abdullayev received vital medication.

2-year-old Aidar is a mischievous boy who adores his older brother and wants to play various games with him. He also loves cartoons and animals. Like all boys, his favourite toy is technology. He admires any kind of machine and is ready to play around with them for days. But right now, he's busy with hospital treatments all day.

"Last September, our youngest son underwent surgery in Jalal-Abad for testicular torsion. During the examinations, the doctors discovered a tumour in his kidney. Our whole family was shocked by this news. We were immediately sent to the oncology department of the National Center for Maternity and Child Care in Bishkek. There, magnetic resonance imaging and histology were performed. The result was disappointing: our Aidar was diagnosed with a malignant tumour, an embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma," says Elina, Aidar's mother.

The baby has already endured several treatments. Aydar needed expensive medication for another round of chemotherapy. The parents turned to our foundation. We helped the family to buy a vital drug in time and continue the treatment. Time is the biggest enemy in the treatment of childhood cancer, so it is very important to start the therapy on time.

Thank you to everyone who supports the "For Life" reserve fund. With your help, we support children who desperately need help. Thank you very much!

They need help