Askhat Mavlonov

Thanks to your support the child is already 10 years year old

Diagnosis: Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (Cancer).

Needed: Diagnosis of minimal residual disease of acute leukaemia in the laboratory "Hemotest".


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Until March of this year, Askhat had a happy and healthy childhood. He was an active and fast-paced little boy, who enjoyed going to school and running around the stadium with his friends. But in the spring, cancer broke into his life. The boy's fever rose, and his appetite weakened. The symptoms made it look like a cold. They treated him, but they could not cure him. Later, pain appeared in his chest and legs.
On April 30, they went to Children's Hospital 3. Blood tests prompted the doctors to sound the alarm and call an ambulance. Askhat was admitted to the pediatric haematology department, where blood and bone marrow were drawn for analysis. It was acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - blood cancer.
The boy was transferred to the department of pediatric oncology and haematology, and the first course of chemotherapy was started. Now Ashat is already receiving the third course of chemistry. To diagnose minimal residual acute leukaemia, an expensive analysis was required. The boy's parents turned to us for help. Thank you all for supporting our projects and caring about our protégé. May the children return to you enlarged many times over.
In Arabic translation, the name "Ashat" means "the most fortunate". We hope our hero will soon defeat an insidious disease and become the happiest boy in the world!

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