Fraser Hakim

Thanks to your support the child is already 7 years year old

Diagnosis: Сerebral palsy, mixed form

Needed: Payment for bobath-therapy at Baby Health Rehabilitation Centre


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Hakim was born on 18 April 2017 in Bishkek. The birth was so complicated that about eight medics gathered around the boy's mother. The baby was extremely hypoxic and only breathed out on the second day in the intensive care unit. The baby was on a ventilator (CPAP) for the first two days of his life. Despite active rehabilitation, when he was one year old, Hakim could only hold his head, turn over, follow his eyes and grasp objects. The doctors confirmed the diagnosis of cerebral palsy was by. After he was three, epileptic activity was added to the cerebral palsy diagnosis. The only thing to do was practice some soft rehabilitation techniques. Today, many of the associated diagnoses: optic atrophy, thymomegaly, PDD, etc., have been resolved, but cerebral palsy and epilepsy are not so easy to beat.


"We don't give up and fight for every movement each day. It all costs a lot of tears, nerves, energy, finances and time. But when you see a child taking small steps towards a normal life, you want to do more and more!" - the boy's parents say.

You helped persistent Hakim on this thorny path to health!

Thanks to your help, concern and sympathy, he will undergo the next stage of rehabilitation - a course in Bobat-therapy! This is an essential method of neuro-developmental treatment for cerebral palsy to stimulate motor movements and restore muscle tone.


Hakim is a very bright boy, and being five years old, he is reading fluently and adding and subtracting three-digit numbers. And he is also keen on geography, knows by heart the world map, flags of all countries, and the names of capitals! He wants to travel around the world and even visit outer space! We believe, a person who is keen on work and study since childhood, despite all the challenges, is sure to succeed!  


And Hakim's mother thanks the "Sun of Hope" fund and all of you for giving every child hope for a brighter future!  And she wishes the foundation and all of you prosperity and the best health to every child on Earth!

They need help