Dear mothers of our young beneficiaries! You are all lovely women! We wish you a happy holiday!

08.03.2024 11:15

Dear friends, today is a wonderful spring day. The air is filled with the sweet smells of spring and the delightful aromas of flowers. On this special day, almost everyone decorates their homes with beautiful bouquets of tulips, mimosas, freesias, or roses. These flowers are lovingly given to women by their partners, husbands, sons, and co-workers to celebrate this occasion.

On this day, women try to take a break from their daily routine and spend quality time on themselves. They use this special occasion to pamper themselves by visiting a spa, theatre, or meeting with their friends and family.

However, there are situations when even during a holiday, women continue to serve their families without daring to distract themselves even for a moment. This is especially true if their child is ill at this time, and even more so if the illness is serious enough to threaten the child's life. Among these selfless women are the mothers of our children, who are always close to their babies and ready to take on all their pain, tears, and fears. They try to surround their beloved child with warmth and create comfort for them wherever they are. For these mothers, there are no other holidays except those that involve improving their child's health, successful completion of procedures and treatment cycles, and the achievement of remission. Receiving the message from the fundraising foundation that their fundraising is over is an incomparable moment for them. It means that they can continue vital treatment, make a long-awaited surgery without waking up every morning thinking about how to pay for it all, without sleepless nights tormented by the fact that there are no funds, and therefore no possibility to save the life of their seriously ill child!

They deserve to experience the joy of a holiday. We can make this happen for them, and it will cost us less than the price of a single flower. Let's give each of these mothers a flower of hope and the confidence that their children can be saved. Please support our fundraising efforts for our sponsored children. On International Women's Day, the most generous act we can do is to give selfless mothers the best gift.

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