Become a secret Santa for seriously ill children

04.12.2023 05:54

Today is a special holiday dedicated to the upcoming New Year  - the Day of Requesting Gifts and Writing Letters to Santa Claus. On the 4th of December, post offices in many countries worldwide start accepting letters to the good wizard with a wish for a long-awaited gift. Our beneficiaries will also write to Santa Claus and they already know what they will ask for. They don't need toys and expensive gadgets, but they will wish for life. Severely ill children live only one dream - to defeat a terrible disease and return home. 

December is a magical month, filled with the spirit of holiday and fun, a time of miracles when the deepest wishes come true. We would be excited if our beneficiaries also received the gifts - the opportunity to undergo vital examinations and treatment courses. Friends, let's become secret magicians for children. Let's start the week with the "The Tails" campaign in support of children. 

What is "The Tails"?

Everyone has an amount on their card or phone balance with an uneven balance. Example: you have 2345.76 rubles, 245.76 rubles, 45.76 rubles, and 5.76 rubles on your card - these are the "tails" you can share with seriously ill children. 

When our "tails" come together, they become a real gift for a child who needs urgent help. There are no small amounts in saving children. Our strength is in unity! 

You can choose a beneficiary you want to help and read his/her story and documents on our website:

Become a good wizard for a child who dreams of survival!

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