Fund Director Dina Makarenko visited little Umut.

07.12.2022 08:22

The director of the Sun of Hope Foundation, Dina Makarenko, tries to capture the attention of each protégé. She visited Umut Abdybekova, who is undergoing treatment at the Pediatric Oncology and Hematology Department of the National Center for Maternal and Childhood Welfare. The baby has acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, a blood cancer.


“I came to the Department of Pediatric Oncology and Oncohematology. One of our wards, Abdybekova Umut, needed a diagnosis of minimal residual disease of acute leukaemia. In addition to baby Umut, who is only two years and six months old, there are four children more in this family. The girl's father has a disability, and the money is sorely lacking. The help of our foundation turned out to be very helpful. We helped Umut to undergo an expensive examination. The family sends thanks to all our helpers who help the children,” says Dina Makarenko, director of the Sun of Hope Public Foundation.


Every child has the right to be healthy. Even if a severe illness has come into his life, adults should do their best to cure him. Sometimes an enormous obstacle appears on the way to health - there is no money for expensive examinations, consultations, or courses of treatment. We created the  "For life" project specifically for such cases. When a child needs emergency help, we are ready to lend him a helping hand.


The Sun of Hope Foundation is ready to help a seriously ill child specifically - to open a collection for treatment or to buy medicines. In addition, within the framework of the project "For Life", a reserve fund has been established, which is replenished with the support of donors. This way, we can always come to the aid of children who urgently need help in time.

Childhood is the most beautiful time and it should be healthy and happy. Our foundation is committed to ensuring that there are as many healthy children in the world as possible so that there is a joyful laugh in every home!


Let's give children a healthy future together!


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Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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