Kind stories. The music of the old house

21.07.2023 13:00

It's a warm morning. Sunny. Clear. The juicy green of trees and grass. On cherry, on currant - a shot of berries. Behind the yard, a white, fragrant cloud of blossoming acacia rises mightily to the sky. A small bird Slavochka sings a quiet morning song. The bucket is tinkling. Quiet chatter. It's a neighbour tinkering in the vegetable garden, watering the plants. Next to him is his grandson in a brightly coloured shirt. He is also a flower, a living, human flower. 

Before, in my younger years, loving music, and I used to go to philharmonic concerts at the opera theatre. A piano, a gentle violin, a mighty organ, a symphony orchestra, a romance, a song, an aria, a duet or an opera- it was all in my heart. Time passed. And now? Thanks to music! It helped me - not suddenly! - but to hear the unknown music of life. 

When I was young, I used to love painting. At first, it was just colour illustrations in Ogonyok magazine or postcards with reproductions. "Morning in a pine forest" by Shishkin: a mysterious forest, unknown animals-bears. Or Aivazovsky's mighty sea, unexplored too, his "The Ninth Shaft".

Then there were museums: the Tretyakovka in Moscow and the Russian Museum in St. Petersburg. I went there sometimes from day to day. I bought tickets in advance. In the morning, I rushed to the distant deserted chambers so that no one would interfere, to Valentin Serov, to Polenov, to Savrasov. I looked and thought.

An ordinary August evening. Time for sunset. I was doing something in the garden and then walked to the house. I glanced in the direction of the sunset and stood up. I had been living for a long time, I was used to everything, but I looked at it and froze, forgetting everything. A black cloud covered the setting sun, looming like a gloomy rock over the evening world. Its jagged edges were turning ominously purple. And next to it, the clear sky shines scarlet. 

Ekimov B.P. "Stories of Different Years". 

Our whole life consists of moments. It is so desirable that they would be only happy! They say that the present moment is the best. And it always has its music and kindness. Listen, what moment are you in today? What's around you and close at hand? What is beautiful and kind in your life? Even if nothing comes to mind at first glance, it is sure to be found! And let these beautiful things be more!

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