Doctor's Tips: discussing paediatric oral health care

12.01.2024 05:11

Has your toddler got the first tooth? Or does an older child refuse to brush their teeth? Where to run to and what to do? Today, we will talk about oral health with a paediatric dentist Kirnos Lyudmila Andreevna.

  1.  When should I start brushing my child's teeth?

You should start brushing your teeth after the first tooth has erupted. It is about 5-6 months. You can do it with a kids' brush using toothpaste without fluoride and dyes. 

2. Are there any new useful gadgets for caring for teeth for older children?

The main tool for dental care is a manual or electric toothbrush. Additional gadgets include a mono-fluff toothbrush for cleaning hard-to-reach places and dental floss. To control the quality of the brushing plaque indicator, it is a specific product that stains the dental deposits in bright colours.

3.  How can we teach a child an understanding of the need for oral care?

a) Brush teeth with your child; 

b) Play a game of brushing teeth with dolls and teddies;

c) Make a chart to record morning and evening brushing; 

d) Take your child to a paediatric dentist. Children take the doctor's words and advice more responsibly.

Next week, we will continue to talk about dental health. We will talk about the first visit to the dentist and what to do if your child is panic-stricken by doctors.   

At the end of our mini-interview, on behalf of the Sun of Hope Foundation, we wish all children healthy and snow-white teeth, beautiful smiles and joyful laughter. May there never be a toothache in their lives!

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