Hakim will have a chance to undergo rehabilitation! Thank you!!!

29.05.2023 00:00

Friends! We have helped another child! This time it was a boy with cerebral palsy, Hakim! Even if we didn't know how difficult the birth of this baby was, his whole story is a huge daily effort! And you helped him to overcome one more step on his way to health! Thank you all so much for that! 

  • Fraser Hakim, 6 years old. 
  • Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, mixed form.
  • Needed: Payment for bobath-therapy at Baby Health Rehabilitation Centre.  
  • Amount needed: Collection closed. 

In his 6 years, Hakim has already overcome many diagnoses: optic atrophy, thymomegaly, PDD, etc. But cerebral palsy itself and accompanying epilepsy do not give up so easily. However, neither does the persistent and patient boy himself. His mother shared with us:

"We don't give up and fight for every move every day. All this costs a lot of tears, nerves, energy, finances and time. But when you see a child taking small steps towards a normal life, you want to do more and more!" 

And that is where you helped persistent Hakim on his way to health! 

Thanks to your help and sympathy, he can undergo another stage of rehabilitation - a course in Bobath-therapy! This is an essential method of neuro-developmental treatment for cerebral palsy to stimulate motor movements and restore muscle tone. 

Hakim is a very bright boy, and being five years old, he is reading fluently and adding and subtracting three-digit numbers. And he is also keen on geography, knows by heart the world map, flags of all countries, and the names of capitals! He wants to travel around the world and even visit outer space! We believe, a person who is keen on work and study since childhood, despite all the challenges, is sure to succeed!  

Hakim's mother would like to thank the "Sun of Hope" fund and all of you for supporting their child! Thanks to you, he is making one more important step on his way! Thank you!

Together we helped Hakim, a dreamer who wants to travel around the world!

Our foundation, The Sun of Hope, is pleased to announce that together with you, we were able to make another little human being, 6-year-old Hakim, happier!

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