Friends, it's been a while since we last introduced ourselves

26.04.2024 05:02

‘The happiest man is the one who gives happiness to the greatest number of people.’

Friends, it's been a while since we last introduced ourselves. As the number of donors and friends of the Foundation grows every day, we want to thank you for your trust and support. My name is Dina Makarenko, and I am the director of the public foundation 'Sun of Hope'. Often, many people ask me what my daily routine consists of, so I decided to share it with you.

The morning starts with creating a plan because my work requires multitasking, and it's important not to miss anything. Based on experience, a day without a plan is chaotic. From there, I stay in touch with the parents of the children we support. While we don't need updates every day, they sometimes need someone to talk to or discuss things with. While I'm not a doctor and can't provide medical advice, I'm always there to listen or offer support.

I also spend a considerable amount of time working on documents. It involves filling in and processing documents, contracts, and agreements. It's an essential part of my job that cannot be ignored.

The days of master classes or concerts are my favourite, but also the most anxious days, like before the New Year event in the Department of Children's Oncology. The concert lasted only an hour and a half, but it took several weeks of preparation to make it happen. We had to search for volunteers, buy gifts, and find a convenient date for everyone.

Daily, I receive phone calls from individuals who wish to assist our beneficiaries. Sometimes, it feels like a mini-exam when they ask me questions about the diagnosis of a particular child, the clinic where they are being treated, and their current condition. I understand their concerns and am always ready to answer their questions.

I always read the requests for help that come to our mailbox. I transfer the data to the table with the children in the queue for help and try to answer them all. Unfortunately, we cannot help everyone, and we regret it.

My life motto is: "The happiest person is the one who gives happiness to the greatest number of people." I am glad my work helps families find hope for saving their children. Thank you to everyone who joined us. Let's write our good story together!

Dina Makarenko, Director of the Sun of Hope Foundation.

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