Kind school stories

11.09.2023 07:21

"The best school memories are connected with my physics teacher Rimma Ivanovna. She would run around the classroom and shout: "I'm a molecule! Here I am, and here I am there." "And here's diffusion!" - at which point she'd grab a pupil's hand and start spinning round and round with him."

"Our teacher had a creative way of dealing with sleeping students in the classroom. If he noticed someone asleep towards the end of the lesson, he would tell the whole class to leave the room as quietly as possible. To the newly arrived class, he would ask them to be very quiet when they came in. Eventually, the sleepers would wake up and initially act as if nothing had happened. Usually, after a few minutes, it was not until they realised something was wrong. They would start looking around and, not recognising anyone in the classroom, look at the clock and run out of the room."

"A classmate annoyed a high school student so much that he promised to surprise him after school. The classmate sat like on pins and needles all day and then ran away from the last lesson. Everyone thought he left, but no, he took two homeless kittens with him. Besides the whole conflict was over because it's inappropriate to attack a person with kittens, he found a new owner for them - the same high school student".

"The teacher of economics shouted at the first lesson: "First rule: all mobile phones must be switched off. If I hear one, I'll throw it out the door!" And then his mobile phone rings. He opens the door, throws it out and says, "It's my wife, and I didn't want to talk to her anyway."

"Maria Leonidovna, an algebra teacher, was hard of hearing and wore glasses with thick lenses. One day, my mate and I spent the whole lesson while she was writing examples on the blackboard, making faces and making all sorts of strange noises. It amused us a lot, and when Maria Leonidovna turned round, we pretended that we were writing down diligently. And at the end of the lesson, she said: "Homework: everyone will have 2 tasks, and the funny guys at the 3rd desk - 4". It turned out that the blackboard was glossy, and we, two fools, reflected in it perfectly."

"Yesterday, I was walking home past the school. The cutest, tiniest first-grader was coming towards me from class. By chance, I overheard his telephone conversation, apparently with his grandmother, accompanied by a threatening expression and appropriate intonation: "I will not eat dumplings!!!! I'll eat one, and then you start, another one, another two!....." Lovely."

"I have red hair. It's more copper now, but it was golden, almost orange in my childhood. I used to envy girls with ordinary blonde hair. I wasn't bullied or abused, but I hated my colour inside. I would have grown up with terrible complexes because of nothing if my first teacher at school hadn't helped. She called me "sun girl" and "golden girl" and told me how gorgeous my hair was. By class six, almost all my classmates dyed their hair red."

"Our school childhood was spent at Baikonur. The eighth graders once organised an excursion to a rocket launch. It was an inexpressible feeling. Night, steppe, a rocket is seen in the distance, countdown, rumble, everything shakes inside, bright light, it becomes light as day, gradually the rocket moves further away from us, the first stage falls, again dark and silence. It's unforgettable. It's worth seeing in person

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