23 October - International Day of School Libraries

23.10.2023 11:52

Friends, today is one of the great holidays dedicated to books. And we have collected a list of books for schoolchildren that form an understanding of kindness and help. After all, many of us have grown up on these books, brought up character and ideals on their basis, the first ideas about how important it is to be kind and grow in nobility.

1. Antoine de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince".

2. Alexander Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City".

3. Veniamin Kaverin "The Two Captains".

4. Alan Alexander Milne "Winnie-the-Pooh".

5. Gavriil Troepolsky "White Bim Black Ear".

6. Victor Dragunsky's "Deniskin's Tales".

7. Astrid Lindgren "Pippi Longstocking".

8. Clive Lewis "The Chronicles of Narnia".

9. Ernest Seton-Thompson "Animal Tales”.

10. Astrid Lindgren's “Emil of Lönneberga”.

11. Selma Lagerlöf "Niels and the Wild Geese's Miraculous Journey".

12. Valentina Oseeva "Dinka".

13. Sergei Kozlov "Tales of the Hedgehog and the Bear".

14. Elinor Porter's "Pollyanna".

15. Arkady Gaidar "Timur and his team".

16. Vladimir Korolenko "Children of the Underground."

17. Arkady Gaidar "The Tale of the Military Secret, about Malchish-Kibalchish and his firm word".

18. Vladislav Krapivin "The Boy with a Sword".

19. Yuri Olesha "The Three Fat Men".

20. Valentin Kataev "The Seven-Coloured Flower".

21. Ruvim Fraerman "The Wild Dog Dingo, or A Tale of First Love".

22. Vitaly Bianki - “Stories and Fairy Tales”

23. Mikhail Prishvin - “Stories”

24. Sergei Abramov - "Above the Rainbow"

25. Leonid Platov "The Land of Seven Herbs".

26. Eduard Uspensky "Fur Boarding School".

27. Boris Zhitkov "Sea Stories".

28. Frida Vigdorova "This is My Home".

29. Helena Bechler "The House Under the Chestnuts".

30. Zoya Voskresenskaya "Mother's Heart".

May these books help children to find their way in life and become their guiding stars!

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