An Amazing Story of Kindness. Insight

07.07.2023 15:00

We wish there were more kind and happy people in the world. We don't notice the beautiful world surrounding us in our hustle and bustle. Let us stop and look around. We wish all our friends, helpers and wards a wonderful weekend. We are bringing back our tradition of sharing good stories with you.

As soon as the train started moving, he stuck his hand out the window to feel the airflow and suddenly shouted in delight:

- Daddy, can you see all the trees going backwards?

The elderly man smiled back. Next to the young man sat a married couple. They were slightly embarrassed that the 25-year-old man acted like a small child.

Suddenly the young man cried out again in excitement:

- Daddy, see the lake and the animals... The clouds are coming with the train!

The couple watched in confusion at the young man's strange behaviour, in which his father did not seem to find anything weird. It started to rain, and the raindrops touched the young man's arm. He overflowed with joy again and closed his eyes. Then he cried out:

- Daddy, it's raining, and water is touching me! Do you see, Daddy?

Wanting to do something to help, a couple sitting nearby asked the elderly father:

- Why don't you take your son to some clinic for counselling?

The man replied:

- We have just come from a clinic. Today my son got his sight for the first time in his life.

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