We thank everyone who helped Saida!

11.05.2023 00:00

We are grateful to everyone who helped Saida! She has been through the worst, and she desperately needed help! You have not passed her by. You are genuinely kind people with boundless hearts! May God reward you for your mercy!


Dadakuzieva Saida

Diagnosis: Acute promyelocytic leukaemia, M3

Needed: Payment for laboratory tests at the Hemotest laboratory.

Fundraising: Fundraising is closed.


Saida was always a beautiful and trouble-free child. Her mother was happy about the successes of her diligent and active daughter, always talked about her good character and supported and helped her in everything. But one day, at the end of the summer, Saida became ill. The series of illnesses seemed endless. The girl had frequent nosebleeds, then her lips began to bleed, and her legs began to bruise. Her mother took her daughter to the health centre, but the doctors did not test her then, only prescribed medicines. Later, on September 3, 2022, she had a fever of 39.9° at night, and there was no way to bring it down. Amongst the no less frightening symptoms was a high heartbeat. On the morning of 4 September, the parents took their daughter to the local hospital emergency room. There they immediately gave her an intramuscular injection. The worst thing happened. Saida started bleeding, and she was covered with blood.


The poor girl was taken to the children's department of the hospital, and her mother was told that the tests were not good: her thrombocytes lowered to 90, and her haemoglobin was falling. At the children's hospital, Saida was in great pain in her stomach. She was vomiting a lot and had a nosebleed. The doctors took a long time to stop the bleeding. After four days, the child was sent to Bishkek to be examined by a haematologist.


Upon arrival at Bishkek's NCCM, her mother heard the frightening diagnosis: blood cancer. In early September, the girl was hospitalised in the paediatric onomatology department. Cancer cells were 64.7 %. She was diagnosed with acute myeloblastic leukaemia (M, version 2). The doctors started chemotherapy immediately, but there were no results. Then Saida's condition worsened day by day. After two months, the doctors did the tests again and said she had another diagnosis: Acute promyelocytic leukaemia (M, version 3). The poor girl was in shock at the time. There were even haemorrhages in her eyes. The doctors said that the chemo had no effect on Saida's body and that there was little chance of survival. But miraculously, in the winter of 2022, Saida managed to get out into remission.


"We don't give up hope. We always believe our daughter will recover and become a wonderful doctor who treats children. To you working day and night at the Sun of Hope Foundation, we would like to thank you for not leaving us without help! We want all the children in the world to be healthy!"—Saida's mother.

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