Kind stories. A sick heart that survived against the odds

14.07.2023 15:00

Kind stories. A sick heart that survived against the odds. 

Our world lacks good news and kind stories. We decided to fix it, and we continued to publish good stories. Today, our story is about how important it is to believe and not lose hope for healing.

Olya was born with blue on her plump lips. The same blueness covered her nails. "She'll live two days tops. Get your heart set on that outcome," the doctor told her mother. 'There's nothing you can do, a heart defect. It's life. 

"No. No!" - Tamara burst into tears. She held her tiny daughter close to her and prayed. In those years, it was the very early seventies, and there were no affordable ways to cure a child of a severe heart defect. Tamara barely lived to be discharged, and at home, she sobbed and told her husband everything. Vasily looked at the blueness covering the girl's skin and frowned. Tamara dragged Olga to doctors all the time without much help. The doctors tried to be correct. That's how they lived. Surprising medicine.

I met Olga when we were in the same class. Besides her sickly blue colour, Olga had ugly facial features, blue lips and fingernails. By graduation, Olga was still alive. And ten years later, too. The next time we saw her was when we were in our thirties. At forty-five, she did get married. Happy and much loved. They are planning to adopt the baby for - Victor flatly refused to risk Olga's health enough to try to have their children.

Live long, Olga! You deserve your happiness. This is probably one of the few stories when a miracle just happened. I wish it could be like that for all sick children. But how many of them are waiting for treatment and may not receive an operation or a miracle... If, right now, each of us would go and help one of these children, it would not be too late for them.

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