Thank you for helping us buy a chemotherapy drug for Hamza!

21.02.2023 17:40

Hamza is a wonderful son. He loves to read, watch cartoons, walk, and even help his mom wash the floor and dishes like all children do. In this, he is the best in the family. Unfortunately, the boy's life began to be threatened by cancer, and he had to forget his happy childhood and fight for his life. Complications arose in the course of difficult treatment. And the boy simply needed your help. Thank you for not staying behind!

Hamza's diagnosis sounds scary: ALL, Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia B || common, intermediate risk group.

In January 2021, the boy was playing with his older brother in the backyard, it was snowing, and all over the snow, his mother noticed blood coming from the child's mouth and nose. This was a gruesome sight for my mother. The analysis showed that the haemoglobin level was 48. Hamza was diagnosed with anaemia (grade 3). Ultrasound examination revealed that the spleen and liver were enlarged. When he was urgently admitted to a hospital in Bishkek, it turned out that it was not anaemia at all, but severe leukaemia. For a year, Hamza received chemotherapy in his home country. But she developed an allergy to asparaginase, and the puncture at the end of treatment proved traumatic. Hamza was unable to walk or sit and had to have a urinary catheter inserted. Hamza is lame on his right leg and is very ill.


Because of the damage to his spinal cord, he was no longer given a puncture, and he received the chemotherapy drug methotrexate through the spinal cord to prevent neuro-leukaemia of the brain. The boy was treated twice at Medical Park Hospital (Turkey), where he received 8 sessions of radiation therapy. In February 2022, he returned to the clinic complaining of a lack of movement in his left leg. There, a bone marrow aspiration (BMA) and a lumbar puncture (LP) were initially performed to check for remission on February 15, 2022, and he was referred for an MRI of the spine and a consultation with a neurologist regarding the injury. The child's bone marrow and cerebrospinal fluid were not affected. Hamza also underwent 10 sessions of physical therapy for his right leg. Radiation therapy of 12 Gy in 8 fractions was administered from 06/07/2022 to 06/16/2022 according to the protocol of ALL BFM 2009.

In the physiotherapy department, 20 sessions of electrical muscle stimulation (NMES) and strengthening exercises (tibia, peroneus, EHL, EDB, and F knee) were scheduled. After 3 months, Khamza was sent back to Bishkek with the condition to come back in 3 months for a second examination. It is a pity, but the physiotherapy did not help him.

"Like any mother, I only hope for the best, I do not give up and I come to Bishkek with my son every two months to get a leg massage at Mechta's rehabilitation centre. My son's main disease is now in remission, we are taking Methotrexate German production and "Puri Netol", also vitamin B12 for legs. In the summer, if possible, we want to undergo a second examination in the "Medical Park" to see if there are changes if the condition of my son's legs has worsened. Thank you so much for supporting us now, your help is so dear and important to us!". Odina Tazhybaeva.

Thank you for helping us to buy the necessary medicines for Hamza! You are kind and merciful people, such decorate the world!


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