The story of “Sun of Hope”: the beginning of the journey

04.03.2024 15:10

The Public Foundation "Sun of Hope" was registered in Bishkek (Kyrgyzstan) on 29 July 2022 in the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic (Certificate #208140-3301-OF). It's been over 1.5 years since the foundation was established, and although it's not a long time, sometimes you want to reflect on how it all began.

"Our office location was intentionally selected. The Foundation is situated in the heart of Bishkek, making it easily accessible for our beneficiaries and volunteers. We welcome everyone with open arms. Despite the small size of the office, it is bright and cosy, providing a warm and comfortable environment for all who visit.

I planned the office, prioritizing the reception area with comfortable seating and calm colours. We were fortunate with our team.

The amazing furniture specialist quickly understood my requirements. She was enthusiastic and prompt in helping me select the fabric and laminate for the shelves, cupboards and worktops. I wanted a simple yet elegant look. I vividly recall how on a hot summer evening, once the furniture was assembled, I stood in the empty office and imagined how the shelves would be filled with kids' stories, their drawings would adorn the walls and the foundation would be fully operational. It was an exciting and joyful experience. "When I think back to that period, one particular phrase stands out in my mind "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."

"I will never forget our first master class at the hospital. It was organized for the Day of the Child with Cancer in the children's oncology department. At that time, the Foundation did not have many supporters, so we decided to organize a simple master class on our own. The children were supposed to draw a flower and put a pre-cut butterfly on it, having coloured it themselves beforehand. But in the end, the drawings showed mountains, fruit trees, bright rays of the sun, and even horses. Each drawing, as well as the child who created it, turned out to be very individual and unique. I was pleased that many children decided to donate their creations at the end of the master class. To this day, these drawings hang on the wall of our office, decorating it and making us happy." - Dina Makarenko, Director of the Sun of Hope Foundation, shares her memories.

 Let the “Sun of Hope” warm everyone who needs it. Assure a sick baby of adult care

"Join us in promoting kindness!"

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