Three lives have received invaluable support thanks to your mercy!

21.12.2023 18:19

Friends, we thank you from the bottom of our hearts! You helped three of our beneficiaries, kind and sweet children, who have to win their right to live from the disease. All this became possible thanks to your mercy! Today Barsbek, Madina and Alina say thank you!

Your child has cancer...These words make any parent's soul cold, the ground goes out from under their feet. The little ones begin a hard, deadly battle for their lives. Whether they are supposed to grow up now, no one knows...

Barsbeck was born a healthy baby. 

But one day, a terrible illness ripped him from his happy childhood. His temperature rose sharply, and his leg began to ache... No treatment helped, and in autumn, the family found out that it was acute leukaemia!  

Alina dreamed of becoming a maths teacher.

But the disease shattered her health along with her dreams. From June 2023, she spent a difficult six months in the paediatric oncology department. During this period, she underwent six blocks of chemotherapy. 

Madina has long played only on the hospital windowsill.

Cancer has locked her inside the four walls of the hospital. Madina has myeloid sarcoma with soft tissue lesions in the right orbit of the eye, a rare malignancy that occurred as a relapse after leukaemia.

It is perhaps difficult for us to imagine all that each of them had to go through during their lives. The main thing is that we could not pass by when these defenceless little ones desperately need support in their battle for life! 

All three kids received the same help: payment for an MRD exam. Thank you for giving the babies hope and the right to a healthy future! Thank you all from Barsbek, Alina and Madina! We wish the children to be healthy and happy!

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