
The time to help is now! Support the kids!
02 Aug 10:00

There are so many children in the world who need medicines, treatment and expensive tests! Let's help those of them who are close to us! The Time to Help...

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We purchased chemo medications for Omina through the Time to Help project
07 Jun 05:29

We would love to say that Omina's treatment is completed, and she is healthy and has returned home, but we can’t. We are still in the process of fundraising,...

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‘Time to help!’ - is a motto that is important to remember on Children's Day!
01 Jun 05:34

Dear friends, followers, volunteers and benefactors! We are happy to have you with us! It gives all of us strength and motivation to continue to serve the...

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It's ‘Time to Help’ permanently.
30 May 13:22

Today, Dina Makarenko, Director of the Sun of Hope Foundation, is sharing her story about how the idea to create the ‘Time to Help’ programme came about.

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Dear helpers, it's time to help children!
24 May 13:10

The 1st of June is approaching, which is Children's Day. Unfortunately, in our world, it is often necessary to protect children from serious illnesses. This...

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Beloved Bishkek, happy holiday! Keep flourishing and prosper!
29 Apr 05:41

Today, Bishkek celebrates its 146th birthday. The city is not only an administrative and political centre but also an industrial, commercial, financial,...

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Thank you to everyone who stood up for Aylin in the battle against Leukemia!
01 Mar 15:17

We are grateful that you did not abandon the little girl and extended your helping hands! Endless thank you for your kindness and support!

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We donated some medicine to the National Centre
28 Feb 06:50

The hospital is in constant need of antibiotics Amikacin, Cefzon S and infusion systems. Thank you to all who consistently support our fundraising efforts....

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Aylin is crying! Cancer has put her in the hospital again. Help!
27 Feb 11:15

She has recently finished her third course of chemotherapy and has been released home for 15 long-awaited days to gain strength for the next course. But to...

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15 February - International Childhood Cancer Day
15 Feb 04:51

Every day, we speak about children's oncology. Today, we would like to discuss the alarming statistics that highlight the pressing nature of the issue. ...

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"Time to help" critically ill children in the oncology department
06 Feb 13:25

Our precious supporters, the young patients of the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health, need help regularly. Often, doctors have to adjust the...

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4 February is World Cancer Day
04 Feb 06:05

On the eve of Cancer Day, our latest fundraising under the "Time to Help" project is closed. Thank you to everyone who contributes to the Time to Help...

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We brought 600 copies of brochures to the hospital
03 Feb 06:02

Last year, we published information brochures for parents of children with cancer in Russian language at the request of the head of the paediatric oncology...

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Thank you to everyone who supported Barsback!
01 Feb 15:29

Dear supporters, the fundraising is now closed! Hooray! The boy's family is grateful from the bottom of their hearts to the kind people who gave him a chance...

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Severely ill children do not have enough medicines. Help!
29 Jan 12:34

The Head of the Oncology department of the National Centre for Maternity and Childhood Protection contacted us and informed us that the little patients...

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Alina and Barsbek met their 2024 with hope!
05 Jan 05:08

You are the ones who helped her to pass this vital test. Thank you for your kindness!

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Three lives have received invaluable support thanks to your mercy!
21 Dec 18:19

Today Barsbek, Madina and Alina say thank you! All this became possible thanks to your mercy!

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Good news! Madina's fundraising is closed
14 Dec 11:58

We are happy that you keep creating New Year miracles for our beneficiaries. One more fundraising is closed. Madina will be able to undergo long-awaited...

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Aylin will live! Thank you to everyone who helped!
13 Dec 09:25

This disease has brought so much grief to the family..... One morning, the girl had a fever, her eyes were swollen and the colour of her urine was red. Mum...

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"The children give me strength. When I see the results of my work" - Zhumagazy kyzy Bagynur
29 Nov 10:02

Today, we would like to introduce you to Zhumagazy kyzy Bagynur, head of the Oncohematology Department of the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health....

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Help children have a future

Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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