Aylin is crying! Cancer has put her in the hospital again. Help!

27.02.2024 11:15

The girl is desperate. Leukaemia! Her hair is falling out. The unequal battle with cancer has taken its toll. Countless chemo treatments. No strength to even eat. Aylin is dying! Save her!

The cancer has tormented the girl. It came with a high fever. The mother was horrified when the colour of the child's urine turned red. A bone marrow puncture showed leukaemia. And their life now consisted of 24-hour drips, tantrums, daily tests and sedatives. The cancer is not leaving. Aylin desperately needs your help!

She has recently finished her third course of chemotherapy and has been released home for 15 long-awaited days to gain strength for the next course. But to her mum's distress, she had a fever, and they had to return to the hospital again.

Brave Aylin has several more courses of chemotherapy ahead of her. The poor girl can't eat at all. She is exhausted, and her eyes are horrified because her hair is falling out. The little girl is crying because she is locked up in the hospital again! She has been prescribed antibiotics for 7 days. Aylin is sad that she and her mum will have to stay in hospital between chemotherapy treatments. And she was looking forward to it!

Two sisters and a brother miss Aylinat home. Her sister Sabina misses her most of all. They have been together since the first year of their lives. They experience everything together and rejoice together. They can talk for hours and support each other.

Doctors say that recent analyses show a very high chance of beating cancer. Now, the dynamics are positive. Let's support the girl; while some strength is left in her body, let's help her win. This path can't be travelled alone, especially for a little exhausted child.

Save Aylin from cancer!

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