Dear helpers, it's time to help children!

24.05.2024 13:10

The 1st of June is approaching, which is Children's Day. Unfortunately, in our world, it is often necessary to protect children from serious illnesses. This is a real quiz for families and the small and defenceless ones themselves - children who have to fight an unequal opponent for the right to live in this world.

We want it to be safe for them! We want the kids to be able to return to a happy and pain-free childhood, where their only concern is a scraped knee from climbing a tree in the yard. Children's lives are precious, and childhood needs the support of adults because when you're little, there's a lot you can't do on your own, especially if you're sick. Children believe and hope that strong adults will come and take away all their troubles with their hands. For children being treated for cancer, these adults are you and me. They are eagerly waiting for us to come and help them!

It is essential to purchase expensive medications and cover the cost of medical tests to ensure the well-being of our beneficiaries. To address this need, we have established the "Time to Help" project, which aims to procure rare life-saving drugs for children and cover the expenses of laboratory tests. Hospitals often lack the necessary funding for such assistance, and many medications are not readily available in pharmacies. Additionally, families may lack the finances to cover the costs of these tests and medications. Let's collaborate to ensure that, by June 1st, we can offer our cherished beneficiaries the chance to live healthy lives!

Let's help children together!

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Help children have a future

Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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