It's ‘Time to Help’ permanently.

30.05.2024 13:22

Today, Dina Makarenko, Director of the Sun of Hope Foundation, is sharing her story about how the idea to create the ‘Time to Help’ programme came about:

- Systemic assistance is particularly effective, as it aims to solve a specific social problem. Unlike targeted assistance, it covers a large number of beneficiaries at once. That is why we realised the importance of the project. Sponsors who wanted to help the hospital specifically, contacted us regularly, asking for information on what medicines or consumables they needed. As an example, the Sintez company donated antibiotics to the children's burns department and the children's oncology department with the help of our foundation. Then, we had an idea to create a programme that could also provide systemic assistance to the hospital. Especially after talking to the doctors of the children's oncology department, it was clear that such a programme was crucial. It is how the new ‘Time to Help’ project appeared.

The ‘Time to Help’ project works to provide urgent assistance to severely ill children. Due to complex diagnoses and the young age of patients, doctors have to choose an individual treatment plan for them. However, not all medicines are available under state funding.

By supporting the ‘Time to Help’ project, ensure that every young patient in the oncology department receives the necessary medication and the opportunity to undergo check-ups that will determine their future.

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