You gave Ali Turatbekov a movement. Thanks a lot!

10.03.2023 07:08

A fatal disease has turned little Ali's life upside down. Two years ago, he was living a carefree and happy life. In the fall of 2021, he entered the first grade. But in December, a dangerous illness upended his life. It all started with a leg injury. After a month in plaster, the leg seemed to be healed. But the pain kept coming back. When a bump grew on her right leg, his mother raised the alarm.

Numerous tests revealed it was deadly cancer - an osteogenic sarcoma in the lower third of the left thigh. Ali took the treatment very hard. Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and headaches became constant companions for the boy. Unfortunately, the leg couldn't be saved. That was the hardest blow for the child.

"After the operation, Ali was in shock - he didn't speak at all for 2-3 days. It has now been 2 months since the surgery. He receives chemotherapy every 14 days. During chemotherapy, Ali feels very bad. He has no appetite anymore, he feels sick, and he vomits.

Ali was very quiet before his illness. He loved to draw, read, play and sing. The disease changed him a lot. He started to read and draw less often, just on a whim. Now the levels are slowly getting higher. So far, we are doing well, but the treatment continues. We want Ali to be able to walk like all children. In the future, we want to get a prosthetic leg. With a crutch, we sometimes walk along the corridor, but that is exhausting, and he gets tired quickly. Ali has not yet got used to the new circumstances. We need a wheelchair badly. But I am raising children alone, and the financial situation is difficult. Thank you for helping us to buy a stroller. You have given us hope that we can make it. Thank you very much! May the children be healthy and not fall ill with such terrible diseases," Ali's mother says the words of gratitude.

The charitable direction "For Life" of the "Sun of Hope" Foundation was founded to provide targeted assistance to seriously ill children. A helping hand extended in time sometimes saves a whole life - gives hope that all will be well again. After all, in kindness lies the most important power, and it can change not only a life, but the whole world!

Dear friends, thank you for supporting our project "For Life". Thanks to your donations, we have the opportunity to help desperate families in time, to allow them to undergo expensive treatment and to buy the necessary medicines and equipment. Thank you for your generosity and kindness.


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