Today is World Charity Day

05.09.2023 06:33

The International Day of Charity was established by a resolution of the United Nations General Assembly in 2013 and is celebrated annually on 5 September. According to the UN, charity helps to establish a dialogue between people of different cultures, religions and civilizations.

In honour of the holiday, we have collected TOP 5 interesting facts from the lives of famous people.

1. The famous scientist Albert Einstein charged one dollar to those who wanted to get his autograph. If he put a signature on some memorable object, the fee increased to $ 5. All the money collected by the great scientist was transferred to charitable foundations.

2. 211 of the world's wealthiest people from 24 countries are the Giving Pledge community members. It was created in 2010 by Microsoft founder Bill Gates and American tycoon Warren Buffett. The community members must give most of their wealth to charity during their lifetime or after they pass away.

3. Keanu Reeves - the hero of "The Matrix" - shared the royalties he received for shooting in the 2nd and 3rd parts of the film with the entire team involved in the making of the film. He parted with 70 million dollars with ease and without regret.

4. Only after the death of pop star George Michael became known about his charitable activities. He donated millions to people in difficult and distressing situations and gave free concerts without advertising his activities.

5. Joanne Rowling knows firsthand what poverty is. She wrote her first book while living on welfare. Therefore, from 16 to 20 per cent of her royalties she sends to charitable foundations, having her own - "Lumos".

Friends, you don't have to be a celebrity to do charity work. Our friends, volunteers and donors show by their example that the happy stories of our children are written by the hands of ordinary people who unite to save children's lives. We congratulate all those involved on the International Day of Charity. Do not spare the kindness of your heart for those around you. Let every day allow you to care for your loved ones and lend a helping hand to those in need.

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