Doctor's Tips: a paediatric dentist. Continued

26.01.2024 06:18

Doctor's Tips: When to take your baby to the dentist for the first time.

Healthy teeth are more than just a beautiful smile. The oral cavity affects other areas of our lives as well. Oral disease increases the risk of heart disease, pancreatic cancer, diabetes and pneumonia. It is essential to explain to children from a young age that healthy teeth reflect proper daily care. We continue to talk about dental health with children's dentist Lyudmila Kirnos.

1.     When should you bring your child to the dentist for the first time?

Usually, it is a routine check-up when the child turns one year old.

2.     What should I do if my child panics before visiting the dentist?

There are many ways to solve this problem. One is an adaptation visit, where the dentist gamely tells and shows the stages of dental treatment on a mock-up.

3.     Is it worth healing baby teeth?

You should. Baby teeth need to be cared for in the same way as permanent teeth. They have a strong influence on the child's health and the condition of the permanent teeth.

To keep healthy and beautiful teeth, follow some simple rules:

Attend preventive dental appointments 2-4 times a year.

Brush your child's teeth 2 times a day: 2 minutes in the morning and 5 minutes in the evening.

Drink enough water. Viscous saliva is one of the reasons for the rapid development of tooth decay.  

Limit the consumption of sweets, especially chupa-chups, lollipops, and caramel.

Rinse your mouth after every meal.

Well-balanced diet.

We wish your children health. And let visits to the doctor leave them only pleasant impressions. Take care of yourself and your children!

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