A rare type of cancer has attacked little Eva's delicate body

10.07.2023 14:00

The parents of little Eva appealed to us for help. The little girl is only two years old. She has spent most of her life trying to survive- to defeat a rare type of cancer. Her childhood consists of hospital routine, painful procedures and tears. The occasional walks are a real holiday for Eva. The girl does not know any other life and does not realize that she is threatened by evil and aggressive cancer. Her life today is in the hands of merciful people. Her parents have no money left to pay the clinic bills.

Eva Khlus, 2 years old

Diagnosis: Cancer. Rhabdomyosarcoma of the nasal cavity

Needed: Treatment at Sheba Clinic, Tel Aviv, Israel.

Eva was admitted to the hospital when she was less than six months old. Doctors were not immediately able to identify cancer, and the girl was diagnosed with many other diseases and tried different treatments. But the little girl only got worse. When Eva almost stopped sleeping because of the pain, her parents decided to take their daughter to Israel for treatment.

Doctors at the Sheba Clinic (Tel Aviv) managed to suppress the cancer cells, but a recurrence occurred. The cancer threw its cells into a neighbouring lymph node. Since then, the fight for the girl's life has been going on nonstop. The treatment in the Israel clinic has been going on for more than a year. Eva has endured about a dozen courses of chemotherapy and a big amount of radiation therapy. There is a chance for recovery, but it costs a lot of money. We ask you to help our brave Eva to survive.  She no longer cries when they give her IVs. She doesn't notice how she swallows the pills her mother has cleverly hidden with her food. She's got used to it. She has learnt to rejoice in small things, and if she manages to escape outside from the hospital, it is already a holiday for the baby. Let's unite and help little Eva to overcome the disease!


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