Eva Khlus

Diagnosis: Cancer. Rhabdomyosarcoma of the nasal cavity

Needed: Treatment at the Sheba clinic in Tel Aviv, Israel

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An evil and aggressive cancer has entered Eva's childhood. Save the little girl's life!

Our new ward Eva Hlus is just two years old. She has spent three-quarters of her life in the hospital. Without it, she wouldn't even be able to celebrate her second birthday. Instead of fun and games, Eva has to undergo difficult and painful therapy. Eva is tired of being sick, feels bitter, cries and clings to her mother in search of protection. The little girl doesn't understand why she is in so much pain and why it isn't getting any easier. The little girl is too young to understand what a dangerous enemy she has to face - aggressive cancer continues to strike with horrible blows and tries to take her life. Help the little girl win the battle, recover and live a healthy life.

Eva Khlus, 2 years old

Diagnosis: Cancer. Rhabdomyosarcoma of the nasal cavity

Needed: Treatment at the Sheba clinic in Tel Aviv, Israel.

Amount to be raised: $12 900

Eva got ill when she was less than six months old. From then on, the world for Eva's parents fell apart. They found out that she has alveolar rhabdomyosarcoma of the nasal region. Treatment for a boil and then a "dermoid cyst" resulted in the young mother and father nearly losing their little girl due to the breathing difficulties she experienced.

The family lost time, which resulted in hospitals refusing to admit and treat them due to a lack of room. The child's desperate mother decided to travel to Sheba Clinic in Tel Aviv, Israel, where they offered to take care of this complicated case. As a result of the initial treatment, the tumour regressed, but the cancer had managed to spread its cells to a neighbouring lymph node. A recurrence! Since then, the fight for the girl's life has been ongoing. Her treatment in an Israeli clinic has lasted more than a year.

Eva has undergone more than a dozen chemotherapy courses and many radiation therapies. And this is only part of the damage the tiny organism has undergone! The little girl obediently pulls up her T-shirt when the bandages on the permanent catheter, through which the cancer-killing medication is injected, are changed. She no longer cries when they put the droppers. She no longer notices how she swallows the pills cleverly hidden by her mother in her food. Only the blood sampling for tests remains her toughest experience and is always accompanied by tears.

Eva's infancy has fallen into the hands of a ruthless and perfidious criminal - Cancer. Although his profession calls the girl's father to fight and prevent crime, in the case of such an opponent as his beloved daughter's illness, he feels almost powerless. He can't even see his child, ride her on his shoulders, spin her around, hug her and kiss her... Cancer has separated him from his wife and daughter, sending them far away, to another country. He works non-stop to earn money to pay for his daughter's treatment. But he can't do it alone - the bill has to be paid urgently, otherwise, the treatment will stop. The family can't do it without help from people who care!

"When they told me about the recurrence, my world crashed down. The nearest lymph node to where the tumour used to be was affected and significantly enlarged. We got the results of the biopsy, and they found malignant cells. We were already dreaming of going home! No such luck. Daddy bought different toys and a dry pool to keep his little girl happy. Waiting for us... No luck. We had to start all over again. Hospitalisations, IVs, chemo... It's so unfair and painful! We have to ask you for financial help. Help us keep fighting for our Eva!" - says Kate, Eva's mother.

Despite the difficult situation, little Eva is not giving up and keeps living! You can only wonder at the patience of the child! And now, they are experiencing another difficult period in their daughter's treatment. The tests showed that the harmful cells were still present in Eva's body. It means that the treatment has to continue. And enough money has to be raised for new protocols. The girl's parents have not given up hope for the final recovery of their daughter. They appeal to everyone who has responded to this little one's pain. Please help us raise the money needed for the treatment. Please, help the little girl survive and finally reunite the family!

Often only the kindness and compassion of caring people help our seriously ill children to overcome their terrible illnesses. "We cannot do great things, only small things with great love" - is one of Mother Teresa's powerful statements. How important it is to hear and help those who need support. Let's come together and help little Eva conquer the disease!

Give the warmth of your heart to little Eva!

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