She pulled her son "from the other side of the world," but cancer can take Amin away again!

20.10.2023 14:31

5 years of fighting cancer, when doctors sent her son for chemotherapy when his father left the family... Aigul, who had many children, continued to believe and fight. She found a clinic in Spain, found funds for treatment, everything worked out, and her son lived.

But here again, we receive alarming news. Even though the neuroblastoma cells are not active yet, doctors estimate the possibility of relapse is very high. To save the child's life, it is necessary to buy back the experimental DFMO pills. Amina's mum is desperate and begs for our help!

She has pulled her son "from the other side of the world", but cancer can take Amin from his mum at any moment!

Amin contracted childhood cancer at a rather advanced age, the disease was already diagnosed at stage 4. The older the child, the more difficult this type of cancer is to treat, the worse the prognosis. The risk of recurrence continues to be ultra-high, and cancer will not give him another chance.

There is a way out! Today, the United States, Italy, Israel, and Germany are actively researching DFMO pills, which significantly increase the 10-year survival rate of patients such as Amin. However, the single mother has no funds to buy the pills and treat her son.

"God, where can I get the strength to fight? My son's life continues to be at risk. It is impossible to refuse to take medication because it is too dangerous. But also, to collect such a huge sum is unrealistic for me! I don't know where to ask for help," says Amina's mother with tears in her eyes.

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