Amin Adilov

Diagnosis: Cancer, retroperitoneal neuroblastoma, stage 4, ultra-high-risk group

Needed: Treatment at Sant Joan de Deu Hospital (Spain, Barcelona)

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Help! Due to a lack of money, Amin's treatment has been stopped.

11-year-old Amin has been fighting a deadly disease since 2019. He has nervous system cancer, ultra-high risk group, and metastases have affected his bones and bone marrow. At the most challenging time, when the boy was in dire need of support, upon learning of his diagnosis, his dad left the family. Amin took the betrayal hard but did not give up, even when no treatment was left in his homeland. People around him supported his desire to live and helped him to start treatment in Spain. Doctors of the clinic Sant Joan de Deu managed to stop the Cancer. It was a true miracle! But at the finish line, the boy risks losing everything. It has been 3 months of Amin's treatment on the foot, and his mum has no money. Let's support brave Amin. He deserves your help!

Oncology appeared in the life of little Amin in 2019. The boy was preparing to go to 1st grade with great joy, was engaged in the preparatory class, adored his friends, and made plans. But then the cancer rushed in and trampled all his dreams. Amin never managed to go to school, his friends had to be left behind, and his whole life moved to the hospital ward. The disease, which started with abdominal pain and fever, turned out to be a terrible oncology - cancer of the nervous system, retroperitoneal neuroblastoma, dangerous stage 4. The boy had to undergo the most complicated treatment: 8 courses of chemotherapy, high-dose chemo, surgical interventions, MIBG therapy, bone marrow transplantation, radiation therapy, and 12 courses of metronomic maintenance chemo. But the cancer could not be defeated in her home country.

Mum didn't give up. She applied to several hospitals. The Spanish clinic SANT JOAN de DEU responded to the cry for help, where they were able to select a suitable drug for immunotherapy and achieve long-awaited remission. But Amin is found in the ultra-high risk group, and to exclude a relapse, the therapy must be completed. Unfortunately, the single mum has no money for this. In May this year, the boy was sent on holiday and was due to return for treatment in July. But due to lack of money, the break was prolonged. It is impossible to postpone further treatment, as there is a risk of relapse. That is why we ask you to support Amin, help him to escape from the clutches of death and defeat cancer.Amin is the eldest child in the family, and he has two sisters. He tries to be an example for them. He is always interested in their activities and studies, does not show tears and endures pain at all costs. He says that now he is the chief guardian of his girls. Amin is an amazingly honourable boy. He has great respect for the doctors who treat him. The boy also has a dream - to gather all the people who once helped him and are helping him to thank them. He realises that he is still alive because of people's kindness and mercy.

Amin is almost at his goal. The final, most crucial step to defeat the disease is left. But now, because of the lack of money, he risks losing everything. Become a kind adult who will lend a helping hand and help the boy go the way to a healthy life.  

"There is no time to wait. If treatment is delayed, the cancer could deal a devastating blow from which my little boy will never recover. His peers are now going to school. My Amin is deprived of all this and is desperately trying to survive right now, fighting for every breath. I don't dream of a great future or any success for my son. My dream is for him to survive and live a happy life. I beg you to help me save my son!" Aigul, Amin's mum.

Friends, there is no time at all. Amin's treatment needs to be resumed this month. We ask you kindly to take part in the boy's fate. Give Amin a chance to find a healthy future!

Family message

They need help