We are pleased to announce the closing of the fundraising for Sophia Jankowska.

28.05.2023 00:00

We are pleased to announce the closure of the charity fundraising for Sofia Jankowska. Thanks to the help of people who cared, the necessary amount of money for the operation has been collected. Since we have already raised enough money, the collected donations will go to Kolesnikov David. We wish Sofia all the best!

The news about the healthy and happy future for the little girl is fantastic!

The charming little girl is two years old. At this age, kids can run so fast that you just try to catch them and get on higher ground, overcoming all kinds of obstacles. But Sofiyka has a different story. Yet such simple joys of childhood are not available to a baby. All because she was born with a disordered leg - a congenital left femoral insufficiency and hemimelia of fibula, her left leg is 10 cm shorter than the right one. And the difference in the length of her legs is increasing every day. By the end of her growth, the difference will be about 26 cm!

The only doctor in the world who can help her is Dr Paley. He is waiting for the surgery, which the family cannot afford. But should that rob Sophia of a healthy future?! A lot of help was needed here.

"Our little girl was already born with a shortened leg - her left leg was 5 cm shorter. This difference is only getting bigger every month. Why has this happened? Why is one of my baby's legs complete and the other not? I want to know the answers to these questions. But alas! Unfortunately, it just happens in the formative stage of little life. It's not a hereditary disease, and there are no genetic problems. It's just what nature decided. A pathology like Sophie's is only one in a million. But I will fight for my daughter's future. Our daughter wants to stand on her own two feet! Thank you to everyone who helped make this dream come true for her! We are so grateful!" Sophie's mother.


We hope Sophija's leg will be healthy, she will not drag it anymore, and she will not have to grow different, not like others, suffering unkind looks, without sympathy and friendliness from other children. Thank you to everyone who helped close the fundraising!

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