Sofia Yankovska

Diagnosis: Congenital left-sided femoral insufficiency and fibula hemimelia

Needed: Surgery in several stages at the European Paley Institute (Warsaw, Poland)

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Little Sofia's leg can still be saved. Help!

Little Sofia will be 2 years old in April. Usually, 2-year-olds are already running around with a lot of energy and fun, loving to play catch-up, jump and actively explore the world. However, all this is not available to Sonia. The princess has congenital left-sided femoral insufficiency and hemimelia of the fibula, her left leg is 10 cm shorter than the right. And the difference in leg length is increasing every day. When the growth is complete, the difference will be about 26 cm! 


Sophia can still be saved in time, and her leg can be cured, but it requires a lot of money. There is only one doctor in the world who can help the child - Dror Paley. He is ready to take Sonia for surgery. But they are short of time. The first step is scheduled for April. We ask everyone to take part in the baby's future!


 "Our baby was already born with a shortened leg - the left one was 5 cm shorter. This difference is constantly growing with each passing month. Why did this happen? Why is one of my baby's legs normal and the other not? I want to know the answers to these questions. But, alas! Unfortunately, this just happens at the stage of the formation of a little life. This is not a hereditary disease, there are no genetic problems, it's just the way nature has decided. Doctors around the world still cannot tell us the answers to our questions. According to statistics, babies with lower limb defects are born 1 in 500 thousand newborns. Such a pathology as our Sofia's occurs only once in a million. If 20-30 years ago, such children had only one option - amputation and prosthetics - today our girl can grow up to be a full-fledged girl. Yes, it costs a lot of money. But I will fight for my daughter's future. I am asking you kindly to help us, please. Our daughter wants to stand on her own two feet!" Sofia's mother.


Sofia's family is from Ukraine. Unfortunately, they could not help the baby at home. The parents consulted and showed their daughter to various doctors, but all unanimously told them, their only chance was the famous orthopedist, the rescuer of children's legs, Dror Paley. 


Dror Paley is an American trauma surgeon who has his clinic, the Paley Institute, in the United States with branches in Warsaw and Abu Dhabi. The doctor has been practising for over 30 years. He has unique surgical techniques for treating children with pathologies of the lower and upper extremities. Dr Paley is one of the best trauma surgeons in the world. He has brought back to life those who despaired of finding salvation and were left with only amputation and a wheelchair. A lot of children he helped 20-30 years ago are now living full lives. Sofia can become one of them too if you support her!


Dr Paley has already consulted the family and examined Sofia. The girl needs a series of surgeries, the first one is already scheduled for April.


Sofia's treatment will consist of several stages:


preparatory surgery, there will be no leg augmentation right away. It is necessary to prepare the girl. This is a very important phase, incredibly challenging - the doctors will reconstruct the ball joint and knee. All congenital defects of the joint will be corrected, and the leg will function properly.

The next steps will be aimed at building up the leg.

But her parents have no money to pay for it. Sophia risks losing her last hope of gaining healthy legs!


It is impossible to watch without tears how little Sofia moves around: she walks on one leg and drags the other on her knee. In the evening, her knee hurts, and she cries a lot and gets sad. The baby loves active games with the ball and would love to run outside, but now she can only sit and watch her peers. It is difficult to explain to such a baby why she needs to be patient and believe that someday she will be able to do so. But the mother has no choice but to hug her baby tightly and wait for help.


If Sophia undergoes all the planned surgeries in time, then at the end of her growth, her legs will be the same length and fully functional! Dr Paley can make such a true miracle for the little princess, but the family needs your help!


Help Sofia stand on her feet and avoid a wheelchair!

Family message

They need help