Cancer wants to take Jamilya away! Save her!

10.11.2023 06:59

The girl is falling under Cancer's blows, but she longs so much to survive! How hard it is for her! She hasn't eaten anything for seven days, only drinking water with difficulty. Ever since the Liver Cancer started taking over her life, everything has been a pain. And recently, when she met her birthday at the hospital, she couldn't even look at the presents and smile, saying only, "Mum, I don't want anything, just to get cured!". How painful!

As if such children are ready to give up all their joys and dreams to the cruel cancer, just to be healthy, just to live! Support Jamilya!

Jamilya grew up a creative child, danced, learnt to play the violin, helped sick children in networks, and arranged the fate of animals in distress. And then she got into trouble... Liver sarcoma as a verdict, urgent removal of the tumour, change of the diagnosis to hepatoblastoma, chemo in Turkey, relapse, and chemo courses. There is so much grief and pain behind each of these words!

But Jamilya attracts kindness, and one day, she asks her mother to go to the mall to see the ordinary life of healthy people. And three Turkish kids saw the girl with no hair and realised she was sick. They came up and gave Jamilya a bear cub, which became her mascot, as well as a monkey toy Nyusha. For 2 months, he has been dressing her in her pyjamas and carrying her everywhere as if they are going through all the pain and trials together. It's easier that way. How much suffering is in her heart!

"I can't take her suffering on myself. I don't have the money to pay for life-saving treatment. I don't know what to do, how to save my daughter! Only faith in the Almighty and good people helps us to live every day with the hope that we will make it in time. I am afraid to think that if we don't pay for the treatment soon, my daughter Jamilya will remain without treatment. Please help us, I beg you!" - Jamilya's mother appeals to everyone.

Cancer wants to take Jamilya away! Save her!

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