Jamilya and her monkey Nyusha say hello to you

03.11.2023 05:33

Mum's news: "We are on our seventh day at the clinic today. Jamilya had a high-grade infection. At the moment the infection has receded, but antibiotics need to be continued. It is the third day that her appetite has come back. We're so happy. Before that, she hadn't eaten anything for seven days. All she drank was water, and that with difficulty. Now she's finally eating. Her labs are all up, and everything's normal. I hope we'll be out by tomorrow. She's sleeping all right, too.

On the 29th of October, she had her birthday. Jamilya communicated with all her classmates, friends and relatives. The birthday party was held at our hospital. Her friends sent her souvenirs and earrings from Kazakhstan. But she was in no mood to even look at them. Only now, when she's feeling better, she's started unpacking everything. She's so happy. I wanted to give her something special, but she refused. She said: "Mum, I don't want anything, I just want to be cured." And we were always at the clinic, so I couldn't even go anywhere to get a present. Jamilya wanted to go out to some children's café, but even if she hadn't had an infection, I wouldn't have taken her anywhere, as there are viruses everywhere. I'm afraid of catching something else now. There's no need for such risks now. 

We talked to the doctor. His prognosis is very encouraging, and he is excited that Jamilya is gradually recovering. Because in 2 weeks, we will have the second course of chemotherapy, and Jamilya needs to recover by that time. The doctor is satisfied with the analyses and Jamilya's condition. But he left us in the hospital for one more day as a precaution.” - Jamilya's mum, Zhanar.

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