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24.01.2024 14:30

Let's support seriously ill children and their mums with kind comments! The more wishes we have under this post, the more people will hear the cry for help for helpless children trapped in the hospital and their desperate families. These are the algorithms of social media, and they need our activity.

Help the children, they are waiting for it so much!

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Akhmet Orumbekov was abandoned by his dad when he found out about the cancer. He and his mother are fighting against a relapse of leukaemia. The baby is recovering hard from BMT, and the clinic has accumulated large debts.

Asadiya Makhanova recently had a seizure on the background of the harshest chemotherapy. Doctors cancelled one of the principal medications. She needs to receive customised treatment, which costs considerable money.

Danis Khamidov had a relapse of neuroblastoma. The treatment protocol has been changed, chemotherapy and immunotherapy have been intensified, and doctors are planning to include the total dose of radiation. Mum does not leave her son's bed, but there is no money to pay the new bills.

Our new beneficiary Ayazhan Eskendir, is fighting for life with one of the most aggressive types of cancer. If a relapse occurs, the chances of a 5-year survival rate will reduce to 10%. Treatment should not be stopped.

Barsbeck and Aylin are back at the foundation for fundraising. Aylin had a poor MRD test, and Barsbeck had a critically poor condition on admission to CM&D. The doctors have decided to continue chemotherapy. The children urgently need medication for treatment.

Some words give joy, and others bring pain... Behind the word cancer are days, months and even years of confinement and terror. Children do not deserve to suffer like this! Together, let's not let them give up!

If you would like to help the children with a donation, you can do it here:

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13 Sep 15:04

The lung nodules continue to trouble Ayazhan

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12 Sep 12:36

Our Omina's condition has more or less stabilised

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11 Sep 06:07

Breaking news! Zhanna's treatment has been put on hold

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10 Sep 06:23

Aggressive cancer shatters Ayazhan's dreams

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Help children have a future

Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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