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Little Myrza is waiting for further treatment! We can't delay!

24.09.2024 10:28

Myrza's family is living in anticipation. The boy has already received part of the treatment, which consists of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and radiation. The main block of chemotherapy is ahead of him, so Myrza will have to return to the hospital very soon. However, the parents are extremely anxious due to the lack of funds to cover their son's further treatment.

Little Myrza is waiting for further treatment! We can't delay any longer!

The boy recently turned 6 years old. His birthday coincided with a break for recovery at the clinic, and he was brought home to celebrate with his family. His parents took him to the nearby town to visit some attractions and treated him to a delicious cake. However, the boy has lost his appetite and his health is not good. He is experiencing constant mood swings, and his parents are keeping a close eye on him to prevent any further deterioration. He has undergone tests at the local hospital twice, and the results showed a severe drop in his platelet count.

"Myrza is very independent and likes to play by himself, but we are afraid to leave him alone because his coordination is now impaired. Our constant supervision and control frustrate our son, leading to his anger towards us. He wants to go out and play football with other kids, but he has no balance at all," the mother of the little boy shared with us.

The baby's condition is very delicate, and the treatment should not be interrupted for an extended period. Cancer does not wait! How can the treatment continue if it relies on payment availability? The boy's parents have already sold everything they could to save their son, and now they need help to keep Myrza alive!

Support the boy's fundraising! Let's help save this little boy's life together. Good deeds will not go unnoticed by the Almighty!

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