Representatives of the famous Medical Park Clinic visited the Sun of Hope Foundation

08.06.2023 17:36


Dina Makarenko, Director of the Sun of Hope Foundation, met with representatives of the international network of Medical Park clinics, Vera Chamliolu and Mariam Ahmedova.


"We discussed the issues of interaction and considered the prospects of cooperation. Vera Chamliolu and Mariam Akhmedova told me about the directions of clinics' activity, modern methods of diagnostics and treatment of various diseases, and the qualification of doctors. Comfortable conditions for patients are paid great attention in Medical Park. We provide each patient with a supervisor who speaks their native language. It is essential to ensure that we clearly understand what is going on and are fully informed of the further treatment plan. Medical Park adheres to modern European and American treatment protocols and creates tailored programmes to treat each patient safely and effectively. Medical Park oncologists undertake annual refresher courses with our European and American colleagues. We are passionate about our patients. We aim to help children to reach clinics which can provide effective treatment. And we are doing our best to ensure that each of our beneficiaries gets a happy ending", says Dina Makarenko, Director of the "Sun of Hope" foundation.


Medical Park clinics are equipped with the most modern technology for precise diagnosis and effective treatment. Clinics of the network are accredited by Joint Commission International (JCI), use innovative technologies, and the professionalism of the medical staff, quality of service and vigorous scientific activities meet the highest quality criteria, both in Turkey and the world. The Medical Park provides a wide range of treatment options for patients suffering from various diseases and those who cannot be treated at home. The clinic provides successful treatment. So far, two wards of our foundation, Amir Mirbekov and David Kolesnikov, have received treatment at Medical Park.


Dear friends, Amir Mirbekov and David Kolesnikov's fundraising are still not closed, and the therapy can be stopped at any moment. We ask everyone, please take part in the boys' lives. Only together can we give them hope for survival.

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