On April 15, Kazakhstan celebrates Lovers' Day

15.04.2024 10:09

On April 15, Kazakhstan celebrates Lovers' Day, which is dedicated to a beautiful couple from the Kazakh epic of the 13th and 14th centuries - Kozy Korpesh and Bayan Sulu. The incredible story of their love became special and a favourite in the hearts of the people. Kozy and Bayan, childhood friends who were betrothed before they were born, fell in love as young adults.

 Unfortunately, an evil fate separated the couple when Karabai, Bayan's father, found another mate for his child. The story was often performed by Akyns, and it has become an important part of Kazakh culture and tradition. Kadar became a barrier between true love. He killed Kozi. Bayan was saddened and said that if Kadar would dig a deep well of key water, she would marry him. Kadar started digging the well and held on to Bayan's long braids. When it was deep enough, Bayan cut off her braids, and Kadar died. And she slain herself with a dagger on the grave of Koza.

The tragic story of true love inspires lovers to this day. It encourages them not to dwell on sad thoughts, but to stand for their love until the very end and overcome all obstacles in their way. Let nothing and no one break the bond of true love. 

In our foundation, we witness such love every day. The parents of our wards show incredible devotion to their children and fight against terrible illnesses with unyielding strength. Their love provides endless support and faith that a miracle will happen. However, miracles often require the help of kind-hearted individuals like you. Today, we ask you to support the real love of parents for their seriously ill children by donating towards their treatment. Your generosity can help make a difference in the lives of these children and their families. Let your act of kindness be a reflection of the boundless love that exists in this world. 

Happy Lovers' Day!

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