The School of Kindness: How can we instil a sense of mercy in children?

12.06.2024 07:53

Today, Dina Makarenko, the director of the Sun of Hope Charity Foundation, shares the story of Gymnasium No. 26. The students from this school are actively involved in helping our beneficiaries.

-Please tell us how the students from Gymnasium No. 26 in Bishkek got involved in actively helping the young patients of the National Centre for Maternal and Child Health. Are the children there known for being particularly kind and sincere?

-Children are the same everywhere. It is crucial to instil the values of kindness, mercy, and compassion from a young age. The students of School-Gymnasium No. 26 are fortunate to have Samanchinova Tanzilya Dzhetisbaevna as their deputy director for educational work. Thanks to her dedication, energy, and passion for her job, students are actively involved in charitable activities, among other things. They organise concerts and events at orphanages and schools for children with developmental challenges, support children with Down's syndrome, raise funds for toys for children with cancer, and participate in the Green Apple campaign. Children always need role models and mentors. Remember: how we educate children today will impact how they treat us in future. The way we work with students will determine how society perceives charitable acts. We are always open to collaboration and welcome proposals for joint activities and events."

The Sun of Hope Public Foundation not only works on targeted fundraising for children's treatment but also focuses on developing a volunteer movement and charitable programs. If you're interested in volunteering or have ideas and would like to become our partner, please email us at 

May the sun of hope warm everyone in need.

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