Become a volunteer for the Sun of Hope Foundation

16.10.2023 14:15

Good deeds are rewarded a hundredfold! Our ancestors always knew this. But they did them not for the sake of awards, but at the call of their souls, at the call of tradition. And it is very encouraging to see that these traditions of humanism, altruism and empathy are alive today.

It is difficult for a modern person to find time to build a house for those who have lost shelter (although we can see some examples nowadays). But he can always carve out a few minutes in his schedule. Thankfully, technology provides that opportunity! After all, we can share information with those who will directly provide the help needed. You can support those who need of help mentally - by giving likes, commenting, and reposting, which also often serves as a track to material support.

 The word "volunteer" is Latin for "voluntarius", meaning "willing". Volunteering itself is work that otherwise generates income. Usually, this line of work may have nothing at all to do with money. For example, caring for seniors, communicating with orphans in orphanages, searching for missing people, caring for animals in shelters, nature, helping people in difficult situations, etc. But there is such volunteering, which also brings money, not to the volunteer himself, but to those whom this person sincerely wants to help. In our case, it is helping seriously ill children. Volunteers' help for such children becomes the bridge that connects life and death, and gives the children a chance to survive and get the necessary treatment, which is financially unaffordable for them, and saves their lives!

The desire to volunteer can only be born in the person’s soul. After all, people who have chosen such serving are fighters for the ideals, who strive to make our world happier by bringing goodness, positivity and hope to it! Volunteering not only becomes an invaluable help to others but also a way of gaining invaluable life experience.

Regardless of what volunteers do and how they do it, the core of their activity is always to share their energy, time and love generously. And even though energy and time are the primary resources nowadays, the work of volunteers is always rewarded in the best way possible - gratitude, fellowship and love! And this is just what is on the list of the most cherished wishes of almost everyone living with us on the same planet. And to make it appear and always be in your life, include at least a small part of the unique and humane activity called volunteering! It will help to fulfil both your wishes and the cherished wishes of those who now need vital help - our beneficiary children. And let the Sun of Hope help them! 

Join our friendly team of volunteers!

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Help children have a future

Our wards look at the world with their eyes wide open, regardless of illness. They believe that adults will help.

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