A day when hearts are opened!

14.02.2024 09:36

Today is Valentine's Day celebrated worldwide. Many young people propose on this day, and spouses reminisce on their early dating days.

The heart is the main symbol of this day that everyone loves. Even kindergarteners bring drawings with beautiful hearts. Those who already know how to write sign "MAMA" on their cards. At home, children continue to make hearts and give them to their father, grandmother, siblings, pets, and anyone they love. The heart represents love, and there is no limit to how much love we can give. Especially for little children, who are pure and sincere, expressing love through hearts is a beautiful and meaningful gesture.

On this special day, we witness the outpouring of love from children to their mothers, and vice versa. Love flows freely from all those who cherish and appreciate the ones they love. This holiday has gained widespread popularity and will continue to do so. The most important thing is that this world is filled with more love, the powerful and all-consuming energy that touches the human soul, leaving it yearning for more.

Everyone has the opportunity to show love and kindness towards others, no matter what day it is. People of all ages need to feel loved, understood and accepted, and sometimes even the most drastic actions are a result of this desire. Everyone needs to be able to open their hearts towards others and show them love. Valentine's Day is a perfect occasion to do so. 

It's important to take the time to show love and appreciation for the people who are close to us. A kind word can go a long way in making someone's day brighter. Even if your child is all grown up, take a moment to hug them, pat them on the head, or kiss them on the cheek. Don't worry if they seem uninterested or annoyed - it's still important to show them love and affection. It might be especially important for them now. Let's all try to spread a little more love today and every day. If we keep it up, our love will flow like warm rain, refreshing us and those around us like river streams and sea waves. Remember, there's no such thing as too much love.

"Happy Valentine's Day, everyone!"

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